Did y’all know that over in West Jefferson, the 580 WKSK radio station puts on a live radio show once a month, kinda like “Pass the Biscuits, Pappy O’Daniel Flour Hour” from O Brother, Where Art Thou??

Starts up a little past eleven, and if the flatfoot dancin’ spirit grabs hold, don’t you dare fight it—cut loose and let them feet fly! The Ashe County Arts Council in cahoots with 580 WKSK to keep this good ol’ tradition rollin’, and best of all, it won’t cost ya a dime(donations encouraged).

We weren’t even lookin’ for it, just heard the sweet sounds of The Dollar Brothers spillin’ through a shop’s speakers downtown and asked where it was at. Next thing ya know, we hopped in the car lickety-split.

If you’re wanderin’ through West Jefferson, stop on by—there ain’t nothin’ more toe-tappin’ or heart-warmin’!